Climb into Cantor’s Attic, where you will find infinities large and small. We aim to provide a comprehensive resource of information about all notions of mathematical infinity.
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Core models are inner models. The first core model, Dodd-Jensen core model ($K^{DJ}$), was introduced in (Dodd & Jensen, 1981). The core model built assuming $¬ 0 ^{sword}$ is called the core built using measures of order 0 ($K^{MOZ}$).(Sharpe & Welch, 2011) The core model is often denoted $\mathbf{K}$.
(Further informations from (Dodd & Jensen, 1981))
Definition 6.3:
Definition 5.4: $N$ is a mouse iff $N$ is a critical premouse, $N’$ is iterable and for each $i \in \mathrm{Ord}$ there is $N_i$, a critical premouse, such that $(N_i)’ = N_i’$ where $\langle N_i’, \pi_{ij}’, \kappa_i \rangle$ is the iteration of $N’$, and $n(N_i) = n(N)$.
Definition 5.1: Premouse $N = J_\alpha^U$ is critical iff $\mathcal{P}(\kappa) \cap \Sigma_\omega(N) \not\subseteq N$ and $N$ is acceptable.
Definition 3.1: For $\kappa < \alpha$, $N = J_\alpha^U$ is a premouse at $\kappa$ iff $N \models \text{“$U$ is a normal measure on $\kappa$”}$.
$J_\alpha^A$ is defined using functions rudimentary in $A$ (definitions 1.1, 1.2).
The core model $K$ is not absolute, for example: if $0^\sharp$ does not exist, then $K = L$; if $0^\sharp$ exists, but $0^{\sharp\sharp}$ does not, then $K = L[0^\sharp]$. However, $K^M = M \cap K$ for any inner model $M$.
$K$ will contain “all the sharps” in the universe, but may in general be larger than the model obtained by iterating the $\sharp$ operation through the ordinals.