
Climb into Cantor’s Attic, where you will find infinities large and small. We aim to provide a comprehensive resource of information about all notions of mathematical infinity.

View the Project on GitHub neugierde/cantors-attic

Quick navigation
The upper attic
The middle attic
The lower attic
The parlour
The playroom
The library
The cellar

Cantor's Attic (original site)
Joel David Hamkins blog post about the Attic
Latest working snapshot at the wayback machine


Hypercompactness is a large cardinal property that is a strengthening of supercompactness. A cardinal $\kappa$ is $\alpha$-hypercompact if and only if for every ordinal $\beta < \alpha$ and for every cardinal $\lambda\geq\kappa$, there exists a cardinal $\lambda’\geq\lambda$ and an elementary embedding $j:V\to M$ generated by a normal fine ultrafilter on $P_\kappa\lambda$ such that $\kappa$ is $\beta$-hypercompact in $M$. $\kappa$ is hypercompact if and only if it is $\beta$-hypercompact for every ordinal $\beta$.

Every cardinal is 0-hypercompact, and 1-hypercompactness is equivalent to supercompactness.

Excessive hypercompactness

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