Erdős cardinals
The $\alpha$-Erdős cardinals were introduced by Erdős and Hajnal in
(Erdős & Hajnal, 1958) and arose out of their
study of partition relations. A cardinal $\kappa$ is $\alpha$-Erdős
for an infinite limit ordinal $\alpha$ if it is the least cardinal
$\kappa$ such that $\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)^{\lt\omega}_2$ (if
any such cardinal exists).
For infinite cardinals $\kappa$ and $\lambda$, the partition
$\kappa\to(\lambda)^n_\gamma$ asserts that for every function
$F:[\kappa]^n\to\gamma$ there is $H\subseteq\kappa$ with
$|H|=\lambda$ such that $F\upharpoonright[H]^n$ is constant. Here
$[X]^n$ is the set of all $n$-elements subsets of $X$. The more
general partition property
$\kappa\to(\lambda)^{\lt\omega}_\gamma$ asserts that for every
function $F:[\kappa]^{\lt\omega}\to\gamma$ there is
$H\subseteq\kappa$ with $|H|=\lambda$ such that
$F\upharpoonright[H]^n$ is constant for every $n$, although the value
of $F$ on $[H]^n$ may be different for different $n$. Indeed, if
$\kappa$ is $\alpha$-Erdős for some infinite ordinal $\alpha$, then
$\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)^{\lt\omega}_\lambda$ for all
$\lambda<\kappa$ (Silver’s PhD thesis).
The $\alpha$-Erdős cardinal is precisely the least cardinal $\kappa$
such that for any language $\mathcal{L}$ of size less than $\kappa$
and any structure $\mathcal{M}$ with language $\mathcal{L}$ and domain
$\kappa$, there is a set of indescernibles for $\mathcal{M}$ of
order-type $\alpha$.
A cardinal $\kappa$ is called Erdős if and only if it is
$\alpha$-Erdős for some infinite limit ordinal $\alpha$. Because there
exists at most one $\alpha$-Erdős cardinal, the notations
$\eta_\alpha$ and $\kappa(\alpha)$ are sometimes used to denote the
$\alpha$-Erdős cardinal.
Different terminology (Baumgartner, 1977): an infinite cardinal $κ$ is
$ω$-Erdős if for every club $C$ in $κ$ and every function $f :
[C]^{<ω} → κ$ that is regressive (i.e. $f(a) < \min(a)$ for all
$a$ in the domain of $f$) there is a subset $X ⊂ C$ of order type $ω$
that is homogeneous for $f$ (i.e. $f ↾ [X]^n$ is constant for all $n
< ω$). Schmerl, 1976 (theorem 6.1) showed that the least cardinal $κ$
such that $κ → (ω)_2^{<ω}$ has this property, if it
exists.(Wilson, 2018)
- $\eta_\alpha<\eta_\beta$ whenever $\alpha<\beta$ and
(Kanamori, 2009)
With Baumgartner
definition:(Wilson, 2018)
- Every $ω$-Erdős cardinal is inaccessible.
- If $η$ is an $ω$-Erdős cardinal then $η → (ω)_α^{<ω}$ for every
cardinal $α < η$.
- If $α ≥ 2$ is a cardinal and there is a cardinal $η$ such that $η →
(ω)_α^{<ω}$, then the least such cardinal $η$ is an $ω$-Erdős
cardinal (and is greater than α.)
- Simple conclusions from the last two facts:
- The statement “there is an $ω$-Erdős cardinal” is equivalent to
the statement $∃_η η → (ω)_2^{<ω}$.
- The statement “there is a proper class of $ω$-Erdős cardinals”
is equivalent to the statement $∀_α ∃_η η → (ω)_α^{<ω}$.
Erdős cardinals and the constructible universe:
- $\omega_1$-Erdős cardinals imply that
exists and hence there cannot be $\omega_1$-Erdős cardinals in
$L$. (Silver, 1971)
- $\alpha$-Erdős cardinals are downward absolute to $L$ for
$L$-countable $\alpha$. More generally, $\alpha$-Erdős cardinals
are downward absolute to any transitive model of
ZFC for
$M$-countable $\alpha$. (Silver, 1970)
Relations with other large cardinals:
- Every Erdős cardinal is
(Silver’s PhD thesis)
- Every Erdős cardinal is
(Jensen & Kunen, 1969)
- $\eta_\omega$ is a stationary limit of
cardinals. (Jech, 2003)
- $η_ω$ is a limit of
virtually rank-into-rank
cardinals. (Gitman & Shindler, n.d.)
- The existence of $\eta_\omega$ implies the consistency of a
proper class of
cardinals for every $1\leq
n<\omega$.(Gitman, 2011)
- For an additively indecomposable ordinal $λ ≤ ω_1$, $η_λ$ (the
least $λ$-Erdős cardinal) is a limit of $λ$-iterable cardinals and
if there is a $λ + 1$-iterable cardinal, then there is a $λ$-Erdős
cardinal below
it.(Gitman & Shindler, n.d.)
- The consistency strength of the existence of an Erdős cardinal is
stronger than that of the existence of an $n$-iterable cardinal for
every $n<\omega$ and weaker than that of the existence of
- The existence of a proper class of Erdős cardinals is equivalent to
the existence of a proper class of almost
cardinals. The consistency strength of this is weaker than a
almost Ramsey cardinal, but stronger than an almost Ramsey cardinal.
- The existence of an almost Ramsey cardinal is stronger than the
existence of an $\omega_1$-Erdős cardinal.
(Sharpe & Welch, 2011)
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is
precisely when it is $\kappa$-Erdős.
- (Baumgartner definition) The existence of
weakly remarkable cardinals is equiconsistent to the existence of
$ω$-Erdős cardinal (equivalent assuming
$V=L$):(Wilson, 2018)
- Every $ω$-Erdős cardinal is a limit of non-remarkable weakly
remarkable cardinals.
- If $κ$ is a non-remarkable weakly remarkable cardinal, then some
ordinal greater than $κ$ is an $ω$-Erdős cardinal in $L$.
Weakly Erdős and greatly Erdős
(Information in this section from
(Sharpe & Welch, 2011))
Suppose that $κ$ has uncountable cofinality, $\mathcal{A}$ is
$κ$-structure, with $X ⊆ κ$, and $t_\mathcal{A} ( X ) = \{ α ∈ κ
\text{ — limit ordinal} : \text{there exists a set $I ⊆ α ∩ X$ of good
indiscernibles for $\mathcal{A}$ cofinal in $α$} \}$. Using this one
can define a hierarchy of normal filters $\mathcal{F}_\alpha$
potentially for all $α < κ^+$ ; these are generated by suprema of
sets of nested indiscernibles for structures $\mathcal{A}$ on $κ$ using
the above basic $t_\mathcal{A} (X)$ operation. A cardinal $κ$ is
weakly $α$-Erdős when $\mathcal{F}_\alpha$ is non-trivial.
$κ$ is greatly Erdős iff there is a non-trivial normal filter
$\mathcal{F}$ on $\mathcal{F}$ such that $F$ is closed under
$t_\mathcal{A} (X)$ for every $κ$-structure $\mathcal{A}$.
Equivalently (for uncountable cofinality of cardinal $κ$):
- $\mathcal{G} = \bigcup_{\alpha < \kappa^+}
\mathcal{F}_\alpha \not\ni \varnothing$
- $κ$ is $α$-weakly Erdős for all $α < κ^+$
and (for inaccessible $κ$ and any choice $⟨ f_β : β < κ^+ ⟩$ of
canonical functions for $κ$):
- $\{γ < κ : f_β (γ) ⩽ o_\mathcal{A} (γ)\} \neq \varnothing$
for all $β < κ^+$ and $κ$-structures $\mathcal{A}$ such that
$\mathcal{A} \models ZFC$
- If $κ$ is a $2$-weakly Erdős cardinal then $κ$ is almost
- If $κ$ is virtually Ramsey then $κ$ is greatly Erdős.
- There are stationarily many completely
greatly Erdős cardinals below any Ramsey cardinal.
- Erdős, P., & Hajnal, A. (1958). On the structure of set-mappings. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar, 9, 111–131.
- Wilson, T. M. (2018). Weakly remarkable cardinals, Erdős cardinals, and the generic Vopěnka principle.
- Kanamori, A. (2009). The higher infinite (Second, p. xxii+536). Springer-Verlag.
- Silver, J. (1971). Some applications of model theory in set theory. Ann. Math. Logic, 3(1), 45–110.
- Silver, J. (1970). A large cardinal in the constructible universe. Fund. Math., 69, 93–100.
- Jensen, R., & Kunen, K. (1969). Some combinatorial properties of L and V. raesch/org/jensen.html
- Jech, T. J. (2003). Set Theory (Third). Springer-Verlag.
- Gitman, V., & Shindler, R. Virtual large cardinals.
- Gitman, V. (2011). Ramsey-like cardinals. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 76(2), 519–540.
- Sharpe, I., & Welch, P. (2011). Greatly Erdős cardinals with some generalizations to the Chang and Ramsey properties. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 162(11), 863–902.
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