Partition property
A partition property is an infinitary combinatorical principle in set
theory. Partition properties are best associated with various large
(all of which are below
but can also be associated with infinite graphs.
The pigeonhole principle famously states that if there are $n$
pigeons in $n-m$ holes, then at least one hole contains at least $m$
pigeons. Partition properties are best motivated as generalizations of
the pigeonhole principle to infinite cardinals. For example, if there
are $\aleph_1$ pigeons and there are $\aleph_0$ many holes, then at
least one hole contains $\aleph_1$ pigeons.
There are quite a few definitions involved with partition properties. In
fact, partition calculus, the study of partition properties, almost
completely either comprisse or describes most of infinitary
combinatorics itself, so it would make sense that the terminology
involved with it is quite unique.
Square Bracket Notation
The square bracket notation is somewhat simple and easy to grasp (and
used in many other places). Let $X$ be a set of ordinals. $[X]^\beta$
for some ordinal $\beta$ is the set of all subsets $x\subseteq X$ such
that $(x,<)$ has order-type $\beta$; that is, there is a bijection
$f$ from $x$ to $\beta$ such that $f(a)<f(b)$ iff $a<b$ for each
$a$ and $b$ in $x$. Such a bijection is often called an
$[X]^{<\beta}$ for some ordinal $\beta$ is simply defined as the
union of all $[X]^{\alpha}$ for $\alpha<\beta$, the set of all
subsets $x\subseteq X$ with order-type less than $\beta$. In the case
of $\omega$, $[X]^{<\omega}$ is the set of all finite subsets of
Homogeneous Sets
Let $f:[\kappa]^\beta\rightarrow\lambda$ be a function (in this
study, such functions are often called partitions). A set
$H\subseteq\kappa$ is then called homogeneous for $f$ when for any
two subsets $h_0,h_1\subseteq H$ of order type $\beta$,
$f(h_0)=f(h_1)$. This is equivalent to $f$ being constant on
In another case, let $f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow\lambda$
be a function. A set $H\subseteq\kappa$ is then called homogeneous
for $f$ when for any two finite subsets $h_0,h_1\subseteq H$ of the
same size, $f(h_0)=f(h_1)$.
The Various Partition Properties
Let $\kappa$ and $\lambda$ be cardinals and let $\alpha$ and $\beta$
be ordinals. Then, the following notations are used for the partition
- $\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)_\lambda^\beta$ iff for every
function $f:[\kappa]^\beta\rightarrow\lambda$, there is set
$H$ of order-type $\alpha$ which is homogeneous for $f$. If
$\alpha$ is a cardinal (which it most often is), then the
requirement on $H$ can be loosened to $H$ having cardinality
$\alpha$ and being homogeneous for $f$ without loss of generality.
(Kanamori, 2009)
- A common abbreviation for $\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)_2^n$ is
$\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)^n$.
- $\kappa\rightarrow (\alpha)_\lambda^{<\omega}$ iff for
every function $f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow\lambda$,
there is set $H$ of order-type $\alpha$ which is homogeneous for
$f$. If $\alpha$ is a cardinal (which it most often is), then the
requirement on $H$ can be loosened to $H$ having cardinality
$\alpha$ and being homogeneous for $f$ without loss of generality.
(Kanamori, 2009)
Let $\nu$ be a cardinal. The square bracket partition properties
are defined as follows:
- $\kappa\rightarrow [\alpha]_\lambda^\beta$ iff for every
function $f:[\kappa]^\beta\rightarrow\lambda$, there is set
$H$ of order-type $\alpha$ and an ordinal $\gamma<\lambda$
such that $f(h)\neq\gamma$ for any $h\in [H]^\beta$.
- $\kappa\rightarrow [\alpha]_\lambda^{<\omega}$ iff for
every function $f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow\lambda$,
there is set $H$ of order-type $\alpha$ and an ordinal
$\gamma<\lambda$ such that $f(h)\neq\gamma$ for any finite
subset $h$ of $H$.
- $\kappa\rightarrow [\alpha]_{\lambda,<\nu}^\beta$ iff
for every function $f:[\kappa]^\beta\rightarrow\lambda$, there
is set $H$ of order-type $\alpha$ such that $f$ restricted to
$[H]^\beta$ yields less than $\nu$-many distinct outputs. Note
that $\kappa\rightarrow[\alpha]_{\lambda,<2}^\beta$ iff
- $\kappa\rightarrow [\alpha]_{\lambda,<\nu}^{<\omega}$
iff for every function
$f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow\lambda$, there is set $H$
of order-type $\alpha$ such that $f$ restricted to
$[H]^{<\omega}$ yields less than $\nu$-many distinct outputs.
Theorems and Large Cardinal Axioms
There are several theorems in the study of partition calculus. Namely:
- Ramsey’s theorem, which states that $\aleph_0\rightarrow
(\omega)_m^n$ for each finite $m$ and $n$.
(Jech, 2003)
- $2^\kappa\not\rightarrow (\kappa^+)^2$
(Jech, 2003)
- The Erdős-Rado theorem, which states that
$\beth_n(\kappa)^+\rightarrow (\kappa^+)_\kappa^{n+1}$.
(Kanamori, 2009)
- $\kappa\not\rightarrow(\omega)_2^\omega$
(Kanamori, 2009)
- For any finite nonzero $n$ and ordinals $\alpha$ and $\beta$,
there is a $\kappa$ such that
(Kanamori, 2009)
- The Gödel-Erdős-Kakutani theorem, which states that
$2^\kappa\not\rightarrow (3)^2_\kappa$.
(Kanamori, 2009)
- $\kappa\not\rightarrow [\kappa]_\kappa^\omega$.
(Kanamori, 2009)
- $\lambda^+\not\rightarrow[\lambda+1]^2_{\lambda,<\lambda}$
(Kanamori, 2009)
- $\lambda\not\rightarrow[\lambda]^1_{\mathrm{cf}(\lambda),<\mathrm{cf}(\lambda)}$
(Kanamori, 2009)
- For any regular $\kappa$,
(Kanamori, 2009)
- For any
cardinal $\kappa$, $\kappa\rightarrow(\lambda)_\lambda^2$ for
any $\lambda<\kappa$ (Drake, 1974) .
However, this may not be an equivalence; if the
continuum hypothesis
holds at $\kappa$, then
$(\kappa^{++})\rightarrow(\lambda)^2_\kappa$ for any
In terms of large cardinal axioms, many can be described using a
partition property. Here are those which can be found on this website:
- Although not a large cardinal itself, Chang’s
holds iff
for some $n$, iff
for every finite $n$. (Kanamori, 2009)
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is
iff $\kappa\rightarrow(\kappa)_\lambda^{<\omega}$ for some
$\lambda>1$, iff
$\kappa\rightarrow(\kappa)_\lambda^{<\omega}$ for every
(Kanamori, 2009; Jech, 2003)
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is the
cardinal iff it is the smallest $\kappa$ such that
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is defined to be
for every $\lambda<\kappa$.
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is
iff $\kappa\rightarrow[\kappa]_\kappa^{<\omega}$.
(Kanamori, 2009)
- A cardinal $\kappa$ is weakly
iff $\kappa\rightarrow(\kappa)^2_\lambda$ for some
$\lambda>1$, iff $\kappa\rightarrow(\kappa)^2_\lambda$ for
every $\lambda<\kappa$. (Jech, 2003)
- Kanamori, A. (2009). The higher infinite (Second, p. xxii+536). Springer-Verlag.
- Jech, T. J. (2003). Set Theory (Third). Springer-Verlag.
- Drake, F. (1974). Set Theory: An Introduction to Large Cardinals. North-Holland Pub. Co.
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